
Female and Male Infertility

Malnad Lifeline Hospital offers the best fertility treatment in Shimoga (treatment for both male and female infertility), with everything available under one roof- best male and female infertility specialist, state of art embryology lab and well experienced staff.

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected, regular sexual intercourse. It is a condition that affects up to one in six couples of reproductive age.

The single biggest influence on a couple’s chances of getting pregnant is woman’s age. Male infertility plays a close second to this, together affecting almost half of all infertile couples.

Causes of infertility may include following conditions.

Problem with the production of sperm or eggs.

Structural or functional issues with the female or male reproductive systems.

Hormone or immune conditions in men, women or both

Hence it is necessary to get yourself evaluated to find out what is the cause of infertility and treat it accordingly. It is a two pronged approach to look for issues in both the male and female partner.

The first step for couples seeking fertility treatment begins with a thorough assessment of both partners, including a detailed medical history and a number of routine tests.

Fertility Tests for Women

To measure female fertility, the following tests are often performed

Ovulation Test: A quick test to assess if the woman is producing an egg each month or not. It could be with a blood test or over the counter ovulation kits which test the urine sample.

Ultrasound Scan: A scan to look at the condition of the uterus for the presence of issues like fibroids, adenomyosis and ovaries for ovarian reserve, cysts or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Ovarian Reserve (AMH Test): A blood test that measures the level of AMH hormone to help estimate the number of eggs she has, especially when they are at risk of decreased ovarian reserve. Ex: Advanced maternal age/ history of previous ovarian surgery / history of cancer chemotherapy or pelvic radiation.

Sometimes  fertility specialists  also perform additional tests for better assess the condition of the woman’s fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus. They include

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)


Diagnostic Laparoscopy

Fertility Tests for Men

The most important diagnostic test to assess male infertility is a semen analysis. In nearly all cases, man does not display any obvious outward signs or symptoms that may indicate an issue with his fertility.

Specialist andrology assessment of sperm is essential to measure

The number of sperm, volume and consistency of the sample

The size and shape (morphology) and ability to move (mobility) of the sperm, both of

which can interfere with penetration and fertilization of an egg.

Malnad Lifeline Hospital offers the best fertility treatment in Shimoga (treatment for both male and female infertility), with everything available under one roof- best male and female infertility specialist, state of art embryology lab and well experienced staff.